Home Church
After a while, it became very clear that God was encouraging us to return to the way in which Christians met in the early Church, in their homes. Apart from it being biblical to do this, it made a lot of sense. The benefits of moving to a home church setup were enormous, and aligned themselves perfectly to the way God had purposed for us:
Benefits of small group ministry:
It's important that those who God brings to us get the input they need and the space they need to grow. Small groups naturally create a place where people feel comfortable when they interact with others and leadership. People appear to be able to share more frequently and deeply in small groups.
Small groups foster close and committed relationships with others, and with leadership. This builds a strong fabric for the church to grow in.
Although there are many who like the anonymity of belonging to a larger populated church, this is often an issue for them when it comes to their spiritual growth. Small groups bring Godly challenges relating to authentic fellowship and encourages people to deal with their issues and not hide from them.
In small groups relationships tend to have more opportunity to be substantial, manageable, effective and intimate in areas of trust, faithfulness, honesty and openness.
Small groups provide a less intimidating, therefore more comfortable, introduction to church life.
Small groups provide a real involved context for Christians to live out their faith in real life.
Small groups make it possible for personal learning needs, teaching requirements and spiritual needs to be seen. They also provide an excellent way for a person's spiritual gifting/calling to be identified, nurtured and given opportunity to exercise its purpose.
Small groups give excellent opportunities to cultivate leadership within the church.
' As we heard the birds singing, I heard a single tweet which brought memory back of when a lost fledgling left the nest, but wasn’t quite ready and fluttered around the ground all day, with no sign of parents. We set up a barrier round it to stop cats getting to it but would still let the parents find it should they return. It reminded me of those in the faith who get overlooked, rejected and discouraged and need to be loved, nurtured and fed well in order that they can reach their full potential in God'.
Given to us by a member as a result of prayer for Home Church Fellowship.