God Centred Solutions
It's not always easy to find the time, space or energy to cement into our lives those things which make our life as Christians more fruitful.
We have all the right intentions but somehow seldom get around to doing the things we know we should or even want to do.
Having time and space to reflect on what we are spending our energies on is vital if we are going to get the best out of our daily walk with Jesus and stop ourselves ineffectively chasing our tails.
What matters in our Christian lives is not how successful or how busy or even how peaceful and unhurried we are, but how as Christians we are keeping in step with God's plan for every part of our lives and what motivates us.
Attitudes, agendas and how we deal with daily challenges, to name but a few, all play a part in how we keep in step with The Holy Spirit. It's these sorts of issues that can rob us of our time, our friends, our family's and even our life if we're not careful! Seeking God Centred Solutions for our life promotes a Godly desire to take personal responsibility for our part in securing the direction and integrity of our life In Christ. God desires that His children grow up in Him healthily and maturely.
He wants them to know and enjoy the freedom and security of His Fatherhood surrounded by his care and protection.
"have a more comprehensive insight into the ways and purposes of God." Col 1:9 AMP
Steve Howell.
Spiritual Warfare
When we think of spiritual warfare there are key Scriptures that come to mind. Needless to say the most obvious one is Ephesians 6 and the armour of God. However, have we taken note that all the armour is front facing. Apart from the belt and helmet there is nothing to protect our backs. This is where the church as a whole fills this spot. We have to have each others' backs through praying for one another, supporting and encouraging each other. The dictionary definition of the word Phalanx is "A body of troops standing or moving in close formation". Some of them would be moving backwards with shields held above heads for the middle sections and in front for all the sides, so that there is protection on every side. This is important for the church.
We also need to be aware of every advancement we make, (including the Lord building His church), the enemy will be out to reclaim it. We can never give up praying for one another and for protection for those we love and care about. We also need a rearguard. It's good to have a few people who will pray for us when we're under attack but we also know that God has promised to be our rearguard, Isaiah 52:12b (esv).
These two thoughts bring to mind the account of Nehemiah rebuilding the walls (Nehemiah 4). Half of them stood ready to fight, the other half had to have one hand on sword whilst building with the other. So we don’t ignore the need to keep building (Matthew 16:18) even though we need to be prepared to fight, knowing that the Lord is the One fighting through us.
Let's also be aware that every fellowship will have it's vulnerabilities, individually and as a whole, which need extra protection. In Isaiah's time the most vulnerable part of any city would be the gates, so the strong would be situated there to repel attacks (Isaiah 28:6). There will always be times when we can bat off the enemy’s attacks when we’re feeling strong in the Lord but it is at our weakest moments that he comes to attack. At these times we need to remember that Christ has disarmed the spiritual rulers Colossians 2:15. Remember the enemy only has as much power as we allow. This usually comes from being fearful. When fear comes we need to remember 2 Timothy 1:7 - for God gave us a spirit not of fear, but of power, love, and self-control. (esv).
‘When we look at these roses we look at the fresh newly opened one and wonder at the beauty of it and then we look at the other one that’s dying, past it’s best, drooping, withered petals, which has put up with rain, sunshine and wind, been a bit battered but still hanging onto life and we choose either to ignore it or if we’re the gardener we snip it off.
A few years ago the Lord spoke to me about these roses. He told me to go and smell one of the new ones, then to do the same with an old one. I was surprised that the older one had the deepest, sweetest fragrance of the two.
The Lord showed me that in life we consider that young and vibrant people have a lot to offer and they do but the elder generation too have an important role within fellowships. Those who have been through many trials and tribulations of life, very often have more of the fragrance of Jesus to bring into the lives of others if they have chosen to be trained by the Lord through all the difficulties.’
Romans 5:3-5, 2 Corinthians 2:14-16
Submitted by E. B.
Fraud Alert
Have you ever wondered if what you say or do has any impact on someone’s life?
Do you ever get disappointed when things you have worked hard for, fail to produce the fruit you were expecting?
How would you measure that impact and why would you want to?
I've found that on occasions that I have sub-consciously measured my input into people's lives.
For instance, if my input brought about an immediate positive result I would be left with a much more positive attitude than if the ‘fruit’ of my labours took a while to surface. Of, course, I was still be glad to see the change, but it didn't quite seem the same, in my eyes, the delay somehow undermined the integrity and depth of my walk with God. I began to realise, that at times like these, it highlighted exactly how much a Christian can be influenced by the world’s standards. There appears to lie within us a need that has a hidden agenda all of its own. Something we can't quite label or understand. A subtle emotional drive that can only be satisfied by instant results. It’s a spiritual pride that feeds a need of ours to be affirmed in some way. Our agenda wires somehow get crossed. Our fallen emotional needs sneak under our spiritual radar and disguise themselves as Christlike features. I wonder, if at times like these are we inputting God or are we inputting ourselves?
This leaves our souls open to disappointment, which can be hard to recognise and even harder to deal with.
God, by his Spirit, is the author and initiator of Godly change, therefore, any change should come into line with his purposes and not ours.
So, the question is, ‘can we, and do we, trust God to fulfil his word?’ Can we confidently leave the change to him, no matter how long it takes and no matter what the results are?
If not, then like me, at times, you may not be looking for God’s input, but your own, to be fruitful.
The True Cost of Discipleship
If you're struggling with doing the Christian life, then remember, it's not about perfect perfomance but complete surrender...
Matt. 16:24.
Do you believe everything you think?
A person who has been defeated in their life has already been has already been defeated in their thinking...
2 Cor. 10:5.
God never leaves us in the condition in which he finds us...
Luke 10:25-37.
Out in the Cold
' As we heard the birds singing, I heard a single tweet which brought memory back of when a lost fledgling left the nest, but wasn’t quite ready and fluttered around the ground all day, with no sign of parents. We set up a barrier round it to stop cats getting to it but would still let the parents find it should they return. It reminded me of those in the faith who get overlooked, rejected and discouraged and need to be loved, nurtured and fed well in order that they can reach their full potential in God'.
Given to us by a member as a result of prayer for Home Church Fellowship.