Jesus is 


Grace Christian Home  Fellowship

Thank's for dropping by, there's so much we'd like to share with you, most importantly is what the Bible calls the GOSPEL or, sometimes called the Good News. The gospel is simply a message sent to us by God using his written Word (the Bible) or through his Holy Spirit. The interesting thing about the Gospel is that not everything in it is good news.
The bad news of the gospel is very clear where man stands before God. 'For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God' (Rom.3:23) esv. This puts man into a very dangerous position as far as his eternal life is concerned. The Bible says that man is now an enemy of God because of his sin and will attract his judgement (Rom. 5:12; 6:23a) esv.
The gospel has more bad news: no one can earn their way back to God, man's position is fixed and unalterable by his own efforts (Eph. 2:8) esv. Man is remarkably competent at finding ways to achieve things, but where the gospel is concerned there's nothing he can do to alter his standing before God.

So, what do we have so far: man is sinful and God is Holy. Man's sin separates him from God. Man is unable to restore himself to his original relationship with God through his own efforts.
So, what happens next?
Well, the good news is that God loves us (John 3:15–18) esv.
God wants man to be restored to himself (John 3:16; Rom. 5:8-11) esv.

How does God intend to do this?
Well, he's already done it!
God took the initiative and sent his son Jesus to come and take man's punishment for his sin. This was done on the cross. By God doing this, his justice and love came together at the cross and satisfied God's anger towards sin. Man's predicament changed because of what Jesus did: those who accepted God's offer of salvation were transferred from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light (Eph. 2:1-10; Col. 2:13-15) esv.

Want to know more, why not send us an email

For the Christian, a life worth living has to be a life with Jesus at its centre and in biblical focus, seeing and knowing him as he is, not how we think he is, or not how we want him to be. 

God wants us to have a Spirit filled, satisfied and purposeful life. He wants us to grow and live in his grace: a place of understanding his heart for us, and his character, more fully through a renewed mind and a transformed life (Rom.12:1-2) esv. That’s why he has given teaching, pastoral and evangelistic gifts to his Church, so that those who have them can help those who need them, assisting the Church to grow to spiritual health and maturity,  this is JESUS IN HIS CHURCH (Eph. 4:11-12) esv.
Without Jesus in his Church there is no Church, without Jesus in our life, there is no life.

I speak and meet with many Christians who are content to have one foot in the world and one foot in the Kingdom of God. This leaves many in the sad place where they have too much of the world to be spiritually fruitful and too much of Christ to be worldy contented.

Our life in Christ demands that we are honest with God and honest with ourselves about who we really are and what we really want from our relationship with him. We have to be honest and courageous enough to allow Jesus, through his Spirit, to speak into our lives and bring about the tranformation of our lives he promises us.

The kind of relationship with God that his Spirit has been commissioned to create in us, leads us to own Jesus as Lord and King, over us and his Church.
Maybe you have realised that you need to make some real changes in your relationship with God but are not sure how to move forward?
Is the Holy Spirit leading you into a deeper, more committed life with Jesus?
Are you someone who believes there must be more to this life and you want to explore what it means to follow Jesus?

Want to talk to someone?

Then why not drop us a line, we'd be delighted to hear from you. 

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Home Church began its life in 2017 when a  number of Christians became  aware of an increasing need to establish a base where Christians would:

So, we set out by just meeting together and waited to see what God wanted to say to us. In the early stages, God's Spirit set out to deal with, let's just say unhelpful  attitudes of our own.
After a while, in one way or another, we encountered many Christians of varying ages who needed a sound biblical footing. Some were young and spiritually undeveloped (babes in Christ), others were untaught, overlooked, ignored, immature or were left to their own devices. Others had either lost their first love for Christ, or had been injured on their journey and had become discouraged, had lost their way, or even been left out in the cold. These are the people that God wanted us to nurture, in the same way that the Good Samaritan had taken care of the man on the Jericho road (Luke 10:30-36) esv.

We began to see that this was a common problem in church life. We knew we couldn't meet everyone's need all of the time, but we also knew we could make a start with those who God had brought to us. So, since 2017, that's what we've been doing. Like much of what God gives us to do, it's often accompanied with challenges to overcome, and we expect more to follow. God's grace and leadership has directed us to where we needed to go, and what we needed to do.

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News, articles, posts, videos, information and opinions.

Thoughts are what govern our emotions, attitudes, behaviour and lifestyles. ​BUT, have you ever considered what governs our thoughts and why?  The strategic role and importance to healthy discipleship that the renewed mind has, cannot, and should not, be underestimated. It is absolutely essential for the Christian to know about it, understand it ​and walk in it. There are many links in the Bible between renewed thinking and renewed behaviour. The renewed mind helps the Christian to be more effective in their thinking, decision making and to be more fruitful in their relationship with God.

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